AASW Qld Branch Webinar – Online Training Module 2 – Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence

Training Module 2 – Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence

  • Sexual rights, consent & sexual violence;
  • The trauma effects of sexual violence and abuse;
  • Vulnerability of people with intellectual disability to sexual violence and abuse, including perpetrator practices; and
  • Guiding principles and supportive practices for responding to disclosure of sexual violence or abuse.

Training participants new to the disability field are asked to complete Module 1 prior to undertaking Module 2. People with established knowledge and experience are strongly encouraged to complete Module 1 as a contemporary refresher, prior to undertaking Module 2.

General Information

Register for this Online Training Module individually or take advantage of a discounted fee for all 3 Webinars. This training is based on feminist practice, trauma informed theory/practice, narrative theory/practice, art therapy, and cognitive behavioural theory.

Event Details
Date: 10 Sep 2019
Time: 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Venue: Webinar
State: Qld
Cost: Non-Members- $80.00(inc GST)
Organiser: AASW Qld Branch

Queensland Branch
T 07 3090 3718

To register, click HERE.