Scope of Practice for Developmental Education
The purpose of the Scope of Practice for Developmental Education (2023) is to describe the guiding frameworks, professional roles, activities, and practice settings covered by the profession of developmental education in Australia. The Scope of Practice has been developed in alignment with the Code of Ethics and Practice for Developmental Educators (2015) and the Developmental Educators Core Competencies (2022). These documents describe the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and ethical behaviour expected of DEAI members practicing in Australia.
Code of Ethics and Practice for Developmental Educators
Developmental Educators strive to provide a high standard of practice to enhance the quality of life of people with disability and their families/carers.
The Code of Ethics and Practice for Developmental Educators is the core document which informs and guides the professional and ethical practice of Developmental Educators. The Code is binding for each member of the DEAI and thus it contributes to the responsible and ethical practice by Developmental Educators. Members of the DEAI renew their commitment to practice ethically and responsibly on an annual basis through the membership renewal process.
The Code of Ethics and Practice for Developmental Educators reflects the values, attitudes and responsibilities that characterise the practice of Developmental Educators.
The Code includes:
- The beliefs and values of Developmental Educators
- The principles that guide ethical practice
- The standards for ethical practice and professional conduct expected of Developmental Educators by their peers and the community
DEAI Code of Ethics and Practice for Developmental Educators – Revision 2024
Social Media Guideline
Social media is a communication platform widely used in personal and professional contexts. The DEAI recognises the importance of social media as a communication, networking and information tool, but is also aware of the challenges it can present to personal and professional boundaries, and to privacy and confidentiality.
DEAI has therefore developed a Social Media Guideline to protect the interests of people with disability and their families, Developmental Educators and other allied health professionals.
The DEAI manages its official online activity, however all Developmental Educators represent the profession. The DEAI Social Media Guideline offers a range of principles that can assist DEAI members when using social media and with identifying whether certain types of material are appropriate for posting on social media platforms.
NDIS Code of Conduct
The NDIS Code of Conduct promotes safe and ethical service delivery by setting out expectations for the conduct of both NDIS providers and workers.
Unregistered Health Practitioners: Code of Conduct
In April 2015, Health Ministers considered the Final Report: A National Code of Conduct for health care workers that detailed the findings and recommendations that arose from the national consultation on standards of conduct for all health care workers who are not registered under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for health professions. Health Ministers agreed to the terms of the first National Code of Conduct for health care workers. The National Code sets minimum standards of conduct and practice for all unregistered health care workers. It also sets national standards against which disciplinary action can be taken including the issuing of a prohibition order. You can download the Final report National code of Conduct for Health Care Workers.
Each State and Territory is responsible for implementing the National Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers.
More information on the Code can be found through the states and territories:
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia
Complaints Process for Serious Breaches of Ethical Practice by a Developmental Educator
The DEAI is committed to ensuring that its members adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional practice for the benefit of people with disabilities and their families/carers and is concerned and takes matters seriously when members practice outside of the acceptable standards as set out in the Code of Ethics and Practice. Comprehensive and sound governance is also an expectation of the professional associations representing the various allied health disciplines whose members seek to become a Service Provider with the National Disability Insurance Agency.
The Complaints Process serves as a mechanism to:
- Protect people with disability and their families/carers from harm and/or malpractice
- Address allegations of Serious Breaches of the Code of Ethics and Practice for Developmental Educators
- Educate Developmental Educators with respect to the standards set out in the Code.
The DEAI strongly encourages anyone with a complaint to contact the Chairperson at prior to lodging a complaint.