Call for papers: ASSBI’s 43rd Annual Brain Impairment Conference, Perth, 7th – 9th May 2020

The Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI) invites you to submit an abstract to be a part of the programme which will include 15-minute platform, 5-minute Datablitz’s, poster and 30 or 60 minute “How-To” Sessions drawn from abstracts covering all facets of brain impairment and rehabilitation.

The conference will cover both clinical and laboratory studies relating to assessment and rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. Part of the conference will focus on the particular needs and interests of people with brain impairments, reflecting the specialised interests of ASSBI. The conference will focus on how scientific evidence can be translated into clinical practice, particularly through education and training of clinicians. ASSBI is a multidisciplinary society and we encourage researchers and health professionals in areas such as neuropsychology, clinical psychology, speech pathology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, social work, neurology, psychiatry, rehabilitation, recreation, exercise physiology, nursing, medicine and service coordination to contribute and take part.

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